fall out

fall out
выпадать глагол:
выпадать (fall out, drop out, precipitate, come, misfire, prolapse)
вываливаться (fall out, tip out)
ссориться (quarrel, brawl, bicker, fall out, fuss, dispute)
рассориться (quarrel, fall out)
случаться (happen, occur, match, be, take place, fall out)
выходить из строя (fail, go wrong, fall out, break ranks, pack up)

Англо-русский синонимический словарь. 2014.

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Смотреть что такое "fall out" в других словарях:

  • fall out — {v.} 1. To happen. * /As it fell out, the Harpers were able to sell their old car./ Compare: TURN OUT(6). 2. To quarrel; fight; fuss; disagree. * /The thieves fell out over the division of the loot./ 3. To leave a military formation. * /You men… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • fall out — {v.} 1. To happen. * /As it fell out, the Harpers were able to sell their old car./ Compare: TURN OUT(6). 2. To quarrel; fight; fuss; disagree. * /The thieves fell out over the division of the loot./ 3. To leave a military formation. * /You men… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • Fall Out — Single par The Police Face B Nothing Achieving Sortie 1er …   Wikipédia en Français

  • fall out — / fɔ:laʊt/, it. /fo laut/ (o fall out) locuz. ingl. [comp. di fall caduta e out fuori ], usata in ital. come s.m. 1. (fis.) [caduta sul suolo terrestre di nuclidi radioattivi diffusi da esplosioni nucleari]. 2. (estens.) [ciò che consegue a un… …   Enciclopedia Italiana

  • fall out — [v1] argue altercate, bicker, clash, differ, disagree, fight, quarrel, spar, squabble; concept 46 Ant. agree, concur fall out [v2] come to pass befall, chance, happen, occur, result, take place, turn out; concept 4 …   New thesaurus

  • Fall-out — Fall out, Fall·out [ fɔːl|aut] der; s, s; geschr; die radioaktiven Produkte, die als Folge von Kernspaltungen (z.B. nach einer Atombombenexplosion) entstehen …   Langenscheidt Großwörterbuch Deutsch als Fremdsprache

  • Fall-out — auch: Fall|out 〈[fɔ:laʊt] n. od. m.; Gen.: s, Pl.: s〉 Niederschlag von radioaktiven Stoffen aus der Atmosphäre, die z. B. bei Kernwaffenexplosionen entstehen [Etym.: engl., »radioaktiver Niederschlag«] …   Lexikalische Deutsches Wörterbuch

  • fall out — 1570s in the literal sense; military use is from 1832. Meaning “quarrel” is attested from 1560s (to fall out with “quarrel with” is from 1520s) …   Etymology dictionary

  • fall-out — /foˈlaut, ingl. ˈfɔːlˌaut/ [loc. ingl., propriamente «caduta fuori», da fall «caduta» e out «fuori»] loc. sost. m. inv. ricaduta radioattiva …   Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione

  • fall out — ► fall out have an argument. Main Entry: ↑fall …   English terms dictionary

  • fall|out — «FL OWT», noun. 1. the radioactive particles or dust that fall to earth after a nuclear explosion. Fallout may be assumed always to be dangerously radioactive. »Fallout sifting down…will affect every living person (Stuart Chase). 2. the falling… …   Useful english dictionary

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